Feb 28: Anthony DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/February_28_2025_flex.html

This Friday, February 28, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program: Anthony TopracDonna BakerOur DJ this week will be Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by Donna Baker.
New, Do, Review
Kathleen McDonaghHolly PlotnerThis week as NDR, Kathleen McDonagh will review Megdansko Horo and Holly Plotner will review Čoček Za Merak, a Roma dance brought to us by Jaap Leegwater.

February Birthdays
CakeThis week come celebrate February Anniversaries and Birthdays. Treats will be provied.

Feb 14: Holly DJs, Kathleen assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/February_14_2025_flex.html

This Friday, February 14, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program: Holly PlotnerKathleen McDonaghOur DJ this week will be Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.
New, Do, Review
Franklin HoustonThis week for NDR, Anne Alexander and Franklin Houston will review Sweatheart Waltz. Also, in addition to DJ-ing and assisting, Holly and Kathleen will teach something great.

Feb 7: Madeline DJs, Jeff assists, Live Music!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/February_7_2025_flex.html

This Friday, February 7, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Madeline BrockJeff KesselOur DJ this week will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

New, Do, Review
Franklin HoustonThis week for NDR, Franklin Houston and Anne Alexander will review The Foxtrot and the Texas Two Step. They will then teach the Sweetheart Waltz.

Live Music!!
Amanda Kitchens TrioThis week we’ll be treated to the lively tunes of Amanda Kitchens Trio.

Jan 31: Mike DJs, Cat assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_31_2025_flex.html

This Friday, January 31, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Mike ReveszCat ThompsonOur DJ this week will be Mike Revesz.. Mike will be assisted by Cat Thompson.
New, Do, Review
Lisa Horn DielmanFranklin HoustonThis week for NDR, Lisa Horn Dielman and Franklin Houston will review Batuta and then teach Foxtrot and Sweetheart Waltz.
January Birthdays
CakeCakeThis week come celebrate January Anniversaries and Birthdays. Cake will be served.

Jan 24: Kathleen Y DJs, Kym assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_24_2025_flex.html

This Friday, January 24, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderKym OltroggeOur DJ this week will be Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Kym Oltrogge.
New, Do, Review

Kathleen McDonagh Franklin Houston Lisa Horn Dielman

This week in NDR Kathleen McDonagh will review Paharelul and Anne Alexander will review Žensko Makedonsko Oro, both from 2024 Texas Camp. Franklin Houston and Lisa Horn Dielman will teach Batuta, Foxtrot, and Texas Two-Step.

Austin Balkan Singers:
Austin Balkan SingersDon WeedaThis week we’ll be treated to the enchanting tunes of the Austin Balkan Singers, accompanied by Don Weeda.

Jan 17: Franklin DJs, Mark assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_17_2025_flex.html

This Friday, January 17, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Franklin HoustonMark EdwardsOur DJ this week will be Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Mark Edwards.
New, Do, Review
Kathleen McDonaghThis week in NDR Kathleen McDonagh will review Shivers and teach Paharulul – from 2024 Texas Camp. Anne Alexander will teach Žensko Makedonsko Oro and review Toičevo Kolo, both from 2024 Texas Camp.

Jan 10: Janos DJs, Pat assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_10_2025_flex.html

This Friday, January 10, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
John ScalesPat PottsOur DJ this week will be John (Janos) Scales. Janos will be assisted by Pat Potts.
New, Do, Review
Holly Plotner This week in NDR Holly Plotner will review Kasapsko Oro and Kritikós Syrtós that she taught last week. And Anne Alexander will teach Toičevo Kolo.

Jan 3: Dee DJs, Donna assists, Holly teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_3_2025_flex.html

This Friday, January 3, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Dee McCandlessDonna BakerOur DJ this week will be Dee McCandless. Dee will be assisted by Donna Baker.
New, Do, Review
Holly PlotnerThis week in NDR Holly Plotner will teach Kritikós Syrtós, Kasapsko Oro and Shadow Waltz Mixer – all which were from Texas Camp.

Dec 27: AIFD Holiday Party!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_27_2024_flex.html

This Friday, December 27, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderDonna BakerOur DJ this week will be Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Donna Baker.
New, Do, Review
Franklin HoustonThis week in NDR Franklin Houston will present two popular Hungarian classics from Andor Czompo and two Moldvai Csango dances new to many of us.
CakeCsardas performs at the Trail of Lights, Dec 20, 2023This week come celebrate December Birthdays and an AIFD Holiday Party, including a performace by Csárdás!!!

Dec 20: Lisa DJs, Jeff assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_20_2024_flex.html

This Friday, December 20, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Lisa Horn DielmanJeff KesselOur DJ this week will be Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Jeff Kessel. Lisa is feeling the holiday spirit and invites you to join in with some fun holiday tunes and Christmas head-wear!
New, Do, Review
Kathleen McDonaghThis week in NDR Kathleen McDonagh will review Divčibarska Kolo, which Misi taught last week. She will also teach two dances from camp: Haire Mamougeh taught by Joan Bennett, and Shivers taught by Nick and Melissa Enge.

Dec 13: Live Music with Homegrown!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_13_2024_flex.html

This Friday, December 13, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockKathleen McDonaghOur DJ this week will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.
New, Do, Review
Misi TsurikovRebecca HampleThis week in NDR Misi Tsurikov will teach two dances from camp, Divčibarsko Kolo from Serbia, that was taught by Joan Bennett; and Marbridge Mixer, which is a new dance choreographed right here in Austin and taught to us by Nick and Melissa Enge. Also, Rebecca Hample will review the two dances she taught last week: Kouresh from Kyrgyzstan, and Le’or Chi Yu Chech from Israel.
Homegrown This week we’ll be treated to the live music of Homegrown!!!

Dec 6: Holly DJs, Janos assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_6_2024_flex.html

This Friday, December 6, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Holly PlotnerJohn ScalesOur DJ this week will be Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by John “Janos” Scales. Holly writes “Texas Camp Retrospective! Friday’s program will focus on the dances taught at this year’s TX Camp. Let’s practice what we learned and show everyone who didn’t attend how much fun we had.”
New, Do, Review
>This week we’ll be treated to a dance taught at last week’s Texas Camp!!

Nov 29: Texas Camp!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_29_2024_flex.html

No dancing at HRC.
Texas Camp 2024In support of Texas Camp, AIFD will not meet at HRC. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving however you spend it.

Nov 22: Cross Step Waltz, Part II.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_22_2024_flex.html

This Friday,November 22, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Lisa Horn DielmanDee McCandlessOur DJ this week will be Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Dee MCandless.
New, Do, Review
Misi TsurikovMadeline BrockThis week Misi Tsurikov and Madeline Brock will teach Cross Step Waltz, part 2. Open to everyone, even if you missed part 1.
November Birthdays
This week we’ll celebrate those with birthdays in November!!

Nov 15: Anthony DJs, Cat assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_15_2024_flex.html

This Friday, November 15, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Anthony TopracCat ThompsonOur DJ this week will be Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by Cat Thompson.
New, Do, Review

Holly Plotner Dee McCandless Rebecca Hample

This week in NDR: Holly Plotner will review Valle Pogoniste, taught last week. Then Dee McCandless will review Hestekaren, also taught last week. Rebecca Hample will then treat us to some additional great teaching.

Nov 8: Texas Camp Band!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_8_2024_flex.html

This Friday, November 8, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderKym OltroggeOur DJ this week will be Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Kym Oltrogge.
Rebecca Hample
New, Do, Review
Rebecca Hample will review Tokyo Polka from last week and review/reteach Hestekaren, which we will do later in the evening with the camp band.
Texas Camp Band
Texas Camp BandThis week we’ll be treated to the lively and danceable tunes of the Texas Camp Band!!!

Nov 1: Day of the Dead Party!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_1_2024_flex.html

This Friday, November 1, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockDonna BakerOur DJ this week will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Donna Baker.
This week: Day of the Dead Party!!!
Day of the Dead Party at AIFD

Live Music with La Strada!!!!
La Strada
Come enjoy the lively and very danceable tunes of La Strada.

Oct 25: Cross Step Waltz – week 2.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_25_2024_flex.html

This Friday, October 25, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Franklin HoustonJeff KesselOur DJ this week will be Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.
New, Do, Review
Misi TsurikovMadeline BrockCross Step Waltz – week 2!!!. This week Misi Tsurikov and Madeline Brock will continue teaching this fun and dynamic dance. No partners needed.
October Birthdays
This week we’ll celebrate those with birthdays in October!!

Oct 18: Cross Step Waltz!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_18_2024_flex.html

This Friday, October 18, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Holly PlotnerKathleen McDonaghOur DJ this week will be Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.
Misi TsurikovMadeline Brock
New, Do, Review
Cross Step Waltz!!!
This week and next week Misi Tsurikov and Madeline Brock will introduce this fun and dynamic dance. No partners needed.

Oct 11: Live Music by Slavadillo!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_11_2024_flex.html

This Friday, October 11, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

John ScalesDonna BakerOur DJ this week will be John (Janos) Scales. Janos will be assisted by Donna Baker.
This week we’ll be treated to the lively and danceable tunes of Slavadillo.
Holly Plotner
New, Do, Review
Holly Plotner will review the dances she taught last week: High Green Mountain, Highlife, and Branle de la Fosse Aux Loups.

Oct 4: Kathleen DJs, Misi assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_4_2024_flex.html

This Friday, October 4, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Kathleen YoderMisi TsurikovOur DJ this week will be Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.
New, Do, Review
Holly PlotnerHolly Plotner will teach this week.

Sep 27: Dee DJs, Mark assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_27_2024_flex.html

This Friday, September 27, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Amanda Kitchens and the Carnival of SoundsLive Music!!! This week we’ll be treated to live music provided by Amanda Kitchens and the Carnival of Sounds!!!

Dee McCandlessMark Edwards
Our DJ this week will be Dee McCandless. Dee will be assisted by Mark Edwards.
New, Do, Review
Madeline BrockMadeline Brock will teach this week.
September Birthdays
CakeCakeThis week we’ll celebrate those with birthdays in September!!

Sep 20: Lisa DJs, Kym assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_20_2024_flex.html

This Friday, September 20, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Lisa Horn DielmanKym OltroggeEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Kym Oltrogge.
New, Do, Review

Madeline BrockRebecca HampleMadeline Brock and Rebecca Hample will teach. Madeline will review the 3 dances she introduced last week: Kortanc (Hungary), Ajnzerica (Croatia), and Koroglu (Turkey).

Sep 13: Kathleen DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_13_2024_flex.html

This Friday, September 13, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderDonna BakerEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Donna Baker.
New, Do, Review

Madeline BrockCome enjoy some great teaching led by Madeline Brock.

Sep 6: Madeline DJs, Rebecca assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_6_2024_flex.html

This Friday, September 6, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockRebecca HampleEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Rebecca Hample.
New, Do, Review
Robert SampsonRobert Sampson will review Cicerenella, the Italian dance he introduced last week. The evening will also include “reviews by request” conducted by several teachers. So have your list of dances ready.

Aug 30: Holly DJs, Jeff assists

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_30_2024_flex.html

This Friday, August 30, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Holly PlotnerJeff KesselEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.
New, Do, Review

Robert SampsonRobert Sampson will kick off the evening by teaching the requested dance Cicerenella. He will be followed by “reviews by request” conducted by several teachers. So have your list of dances ready.

Aug 23: Mike DJs, Kym assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_23_2024_flex.html

This Friday, August 23, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Mike ReveszKym OltroggeEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Mike Revesz. Mike will be assisted by Kym Oltrogge.

New, Do, Review
Lisa Horn DielmanFranklin HoustonFranklin Houston and Lisa Horn Dielman will conclude their tour of COOL Texas standards. We’ll practice the Texas One Step and Texas Two Step and sample a little bit of Texas Triple Two Step. Be sure to make this final week; we’ll start boot scootin’ right at 7PM!

Aug 16: Kathleen Y DJs, Kathleen M assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_16_2024_flex.html

This Friday, August 16, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen Yoder Kathleen McDonaghEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Kathleen Yoder. She will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.

New, Do, Review
Lisa Horn DielmanFranklin HoustonThis week, Franklin Houston and Lisa Horn Dielman continue their tour of some COOL Texas standards. We’ll continue exploring Texas One Step and add on Texas Two Step, with perhaps a little bit of Texas Triple Two Step. If you didn’t catch the first week, be sure to be there at 7PM so you won’t miss a thing!

Aug 2: Anthony DJs, Pat assists

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_2_2024_flex.html

This Friday, August 2, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Anthony TopracPat PottsEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by Pat Potts.

New, Do, Review
Kathleen McDonaghJoin Kathleen McDonagh for two dances with beautiful songs that make you want to sing along: Tou Paradeisou Lemonia (“Lemon Tree of Paradise”) and Bulgaria dance Sadi Moma. Kathleen will also review Cimpoi, recently taught by Lisa Horn Dielman.

July 26: Kathleen DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_26_2024_flex.html

This Friday, July 26, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderDonna BakerEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Donna Baker.

New, Do, Review

Lisa Horn DielmanLisa Horn Dielman will teach Cimpoi. Then Lisa and others will do Reviews by Request! This is where we take requests from the class for review. It doesn’t have to be a whole dance – it can be a transition, a small part of a dance, or a few steps that need a little revisit. All are welcome!

July Birthdays
CakeCakeThis week we’ll celebrate those with birthdays in July!!

July 19: Franklin and Lisa jointly DJ and Teach.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_19_2024_flex.html

This Friday, July 19, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Franklin HoustonLisa Horn DielmanLisa Horn Dielman and Franklin Houston will co-host a fun evening of dancing, featuring recently taught dances and old favorites

New, Do, Review
Franklin Houston will review the dances he presented last week: Rukavice (Slavonian/Croatian), Mandinades (Greek island dances), and Floricica/Floričika (Bulgarian Vlach). Lisa Horn Dielman will then teach Schottische d’Auvergne (French) and Cimpoi (Romanian)
Balkan Singers & Live Music

Austin Balkan SingersDon WeedaThis week we’ll be treated to the lively and danceable tunes of the Austin Balkan Singers. Live music will also be provided by Don Weeda

July 12: Janos DJs, Kym assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_12_2024_flex.html

This Friday, July 12, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
John ScalesKym OltroggeEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by John (Janos) Scales. Janos will be assisted by Kym Oltrogge.

New, Do, Review
Holly Plotner
Holly Plotner will review some of the dances she presented last week:

What she taught last week: Mahala Mori Shej, Minka, and Auauauau.

Franklin HoustonLater Franklin Houston will present dances popular at AIFD 50 years ago – Rukavice, a Slavonian/Croatian circle dance; Mandinades, a medley of three easy line dances from the Greek islands of Crete, Rhodes, and Ikaria; and Floricica/Floričika, a Bulgarian Vlach line dance.

July 5: Madeline DJs, Pat assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_5_2024_flex.html

This Friday, July 5, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockPat PottsEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Pat Potts.
New, Do, Review

Holly Plotner This week in New, Do and Review Holly Plotner will teach us three dances:
Mahala Mori Shej, by Steve and Susan Kotansky, to haunting Roma music. Introduced to AIFD just before Covid lockdown;
Minka, from Yves Moreau, an easy Bulgarian women’s dance. An old favorite of ours.
Auauauau, by Romanian choreographer Daniel Sandu, learned from Roberto Bagnoli. An easy, sassy dance to fun contemporary music.
Come early – you don’t want to miss this!

June 28: Lisa DJs, Kathleen M assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_28_2024_flex.html

This Friday, June 28, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Lisa Horn DielmanKathleen McDonagh Enjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.

New, Do, Review
This week in Summer School by Request! In addition to assisting, Kathleen McDonagh will review two dances she taught two weeks ago – Sandansko Horo and Sedi Donka. She will also teach Tsakonikos. All are welcome at 7 to New, Do and Review!

June 21: Holly DJs, Mike assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_21_2024_flex.html

This Friday, June 21, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Holly PlotnerMark Edwards Enjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Mark Edwards.

New, Do, Review
This week we are continuing with Summer School by Request! in New, Do and Review.

Lisa Horn DielmanRebecca HampleBy special request, Donna Hinman and Roy Hinman will teach St. Bernard’s Waltz. Lisa_Horn_Dielman and Rebecca Hample will review Maple Leaf Rag, which was taught two weeks ago, and Lisa will review Bavno Horo, which she taught last week. Come at 7 to enjoy the fun! All are welcome!”

June 14: Kathleen DJs, Misi assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_14_2024_flex.html

This Friday, June 14, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderMisi TsurikovEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.

Live Music!!!
Prosciutto_BanditsThis week we’ll be treated to the lively tunes of Prosciutto Bandits!!!

New, Do, Review

Madeline Brock Kathleen McDonagh Lisa Horn Dielman

Join the team of teachers Madeline Brock, Kathleen McDonagh, and Lisa Horn Dielman at New, Do and Review as they go over some of the dances that Prosciutto Bandits will be playing live on Friday!

June 7: Madeline DJs, Dee assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_7_2024_flex.html

This Friday, June 7, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockDee McCandlessEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Dee McCandless.

New, Do, Review
Rebecca HampleMisi TsurikovThis week is the beginning of Summer School by Request in New, Do and Review. This week Rebecca Hample and Misi Tsurikov will review Salty Dog Rag, and Maple Leaf Rag. If time permits, they will teach the basic Texas Two Step. Come at 7 to start the summer fun!

May 31: May Birthdays!! Live Music!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_31_2024_flex.html

This Friday, May 31, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Misi TsurikovDonna BakerEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Misi Tsurikov. Misi will be assisted by Donna Baker.

May Birthdays and the Texas Camp Band!!!
CakeTrumpetThis week we’ll celebrate those with birthdays in May and dance to the tunes performed by the Texas Camp Band!!

New, Do, Review
Rebecca HampleFranklin HoustonIn New, Do and Review this week Franklin Houston will review Sardana. By request, Rebecca Hample will teach Salty Dog Rag. Everyone come at 7 for the fun!

May 24: AIFD meets at Dance Workshop Austin this week.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_24_2024_flex.html

This Friday, May 24, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

Reminder, HRC is closed this week. Instead we will meet at Dancers Workshop Austin*, 11150 Research Blvd #205, Austin (map).
*Please wear soft soled, non-marking shoes to dance in. Also no food or drinks except water in a closed container.

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockMisi TsurikovEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.
New, Do, Review
Rebecca HampleThis week in New, Do and Review: In celebration of our demonstration at Atria Senior Living on Thursday, and the Greek Festival this weekend Misi Tsurikov, Rebecca Hample and Madeline Brock will teach Greek dances. Everyone come join the fun. Yasou!

May 17: Volunteer Appreciation

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_17_2024_flex.html

This Friday, May 17, 7-9:45, at AIFD:
Volunteer Appreciation Night!!!
Join us for a special evening where we will recognize the many teachers, DJs, assistants, and other volunteers who made this year a success!

This week’s program:
Dee McCandlessMisi TsurikovEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Dee McCandless. Dee will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.
New, Do, Review
Holly PlotnerFranklin HoustonThis week in New, Do, Review Holly Plotner will review the SAFDF dances she taught last week: Kaži Suto from Serbia and Al Je Ljepo from the Croatian minority in present day Hungary. And by request, Franklin Houston will teach Sardana from Catalonia.

May 10: AIFD Elections.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_10_2024_flex.html

This Friday, May 10, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Anthony TopracJohn ScalesEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by John (Janos) Scales.

New, Do, Review
Holly PlotnerThis week for New, Do, and Review Holly Plotner will review the dances she taught last week – Draganinata from Bulgaria, Vallja e Pllanës from Albania, and Fado Portugues, a Sacred Circle dance. Then she will teach two dances from SAFDF – Kazi Suto from Serbia and Aj Je Ljepo from Croatia. Come join the fun!”

AIFD Board Nominations

Elections of Directors for AIFD for 2024 will be held during dancing on Friday, May 10, 2024, at Hancock Recreation Center. Current members of AIFD are eligible to vote.

Officer nominees for 2024 are:

President–Madeline Brock
Vice President–Jeff Kessell
Treasurer–Marcia Toprac
Teaching Director–Rebecca Hample
Program Director–Donna Baker
Secretary–John Scales

We thank our outgoing Directors for their service–Peggy Wingate, who served as Secretary, and Misi Tsurikov, who served as Program Director.

May 3: Kathleen Y DJs.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_3_2024_flex.html

This Friday, May 3, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderEnjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Kathleen Yoder.

Holly PlotnerCome to New, Do and Review at 7 for some easy new dances taught by Holly Plotner and Anne Alexander. Their main teaching will be Vallja e Pllanës, a fun Albanian dance – with scarves!

April 19: Live Music with Slavadillo!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/April_19_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, April 19, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
John ScalesAnthony TopracEnjoy a fun evening dancing DJ’d by John (Janos) Scales. John will be assisted by Anthony Toprac.

Rebecca Hample
This week Rebecca Hample will review the dances Lisa taught last week: Alenelul and Gras Kolo. She may throw in an addional dance time permitting.

Live Music:
This week we’ll be treated to the live Music of Slavadillo.

April 12 – Madeline DJs, Anu Niampally teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/April_12_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, April 12, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockEnjoy a fun evening dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock.


Austin Dance IndiaAnu NaimpallyArrive at 7 for another one hour mini workshop with Austin Dance India. Anu Niampallywill introduce some more traditional dances from India

April 5: Kathleen Y DJs, Lisa assists & teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/April_5_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, April 5, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderLisa Horn DielmanEnjoy a fun evening dancing DJ’d by Kathleen. Kathleen will be assisted by Lisa Horn Dielman.

Lisa will also be this week’s teacher. She will present dances that have been requested: Gras Kolo and Alunelul (and possibly more).

March 29: Birthdays and Anniversaries!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/March_29_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, March 29, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

John ScalesJeff KesselEnjoy a fun evening dancing DJ’d by John (Janos) Scales. John will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

CakeCakeThis week we’ll celebrate March Birthdays and Anniversaries!!!

Rebecca Hample Rebecca Hample will review the Dandiya, taught two weeks ago by Anu Niampally of Austin Dance India. Rebecca will then teach some dances from last week’s SAFDF.

Mar 22: Hope to see you at SAFDF!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/March_22_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, March 22 – AIFD will not meet at Hancock. Instead we hope to see you at SAFDF 2024.

San Antonio Folk Dance FestivalMarch 22-24: San Antonio Folklife and Dance Festival! This year’s teachers: Andy Taylor-Blenis (international), Miroslav “Bata” Marcetic (Serbian), Zeljko Jergan (Croatian). Live music from Shirley Johnson and Slavadillo.
Registration and complete details at safdf.org.

March 15: Mini workshop.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/March_15_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, March 15, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Madeline BrockMisi TsurikovEnjoy a fun evening dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.

Mini Workshop 7-8 pm:

Austin Dance IndiaThis week we will kick off the evening with teaching by Anu Niampally of Austin Dance India. Anu will introduce some traditional dances from India. Please arrive at 7 to take full advantage of this fun event.

March 8: Franklin DJs, Pearl assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/March_8_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, March 8, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Franklin HoustonPearl OhlssonEnjoy a fun evening of your favorite classics and recently-taught dances (and maybe a surprise or two) DJ’d by Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Pearl Ohlsson.

Live Music:

Prosciutto_BanditsThis week we’ll be treated to the dance tunes of Prosciutto Bandits!!!


This week New, Do and Review will focus on Review. Rebecca Hample, Kathleen McDonagh, and Holly Plotner will review dances taught in the past few weeks. This will include De Secerat, an easy Romanian dance set to upbeat music from Sonia & Cristian, which Holly will review. Everyone is welcome!
Rebecca Hample Kathleen McDonagh Holly Plotner

AIFD Mini Workshop
March 15, 7-8 pm
Austin Dance IndiaOn Friday, March 15, during the teaching hour, AIFD will host a mini workshop with Anu Niampally of Austin Dance India. Anu will introduce some traditional dances from India.

March 1: Kathleen Y DJs, Anne A assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/March_1_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, March 1, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Kathleen YoderEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Anne Alexander.

Kathleen McDonaghTeaching: Come enjoy some lively teaching by Kathleen McDonaugh.

AIFD Mini Workshop
March 15, 7-8 pm
Austin Dance IndiaOn Friday, March 15, during the teaching hour, AIFD will host a mini workshop with Anu Niampally of Austin Dance India. Anu will introduce some traditional dances from India.

Feb 23: Lisa DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/February_23_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, February 23, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Lisa Horn DielmanDonna BakerEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Rebecca HampleTeaching: This week Rebecca Hample will review Hai Ne Ne Ne that Emily Doubt taught last week. Emily will be out of town, and sends her “grapiest” wishes. By request, there will also be a Shimmy by Lisa lesson. If we have time, Rebecca will teach another dance. Join us to see what it will be!

Michael Martin Baker

Michael_Martin_BakerThose who danced with AIFD in the 1990s may remember Leslie Robson Gompf and Bob Gompf. It is with great sadness that we annouce the passing of Leslie’s oldest son, Michael Martin Baker. A nice tribute to Michael is included in the announcement of a gathering of family & friends for Michael on Saturday, February 24, 2024 beginning at 1:00 PM at Cook Walden Funeral Home, 6100 N. Lamar Blvd, Texas 78752, followed by a celebration of life gathering at 2:00 PM.

Feb 16: Franklin DJs, Jeff assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/February_16_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, February 16, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Franklin HoustonJeff KesselEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.


Emily Doubt Misi Tsurikov Rebecca Hample
This week join us as Emily Doubt teaches Hai Ne Ne Ne, a dance we learned at camp from Roberto Bagnoli. Also, Misi Tsurikov will review Branle Gai Alsacien. Rebecca Hample will review An Dro, taught by Franklin last week, and continue with other related dances, aka ‘The An Dro Sisters’.

Feb 9: Holly DJs, Pearl assists

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/February_9_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, February 9, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

Holly PlotnerPearl OlhssonEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Pearl Olhsson.

Rebecca HampleTeaching: This week Rebecca Hample will review Shantel, which she taught last week. In addtion, and in support of all the new folks who have joined AIFD, she will review some of AIFD’s favorites.

Feb 2: Homegrown International!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/February_2_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, February 2, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

Homegrown International

John ScalesDee McCandlessOur DJ this week will be John “Janos” Scales. John will be assisted by Dee McCandless

Rebecca HampleTeaching: This week Rebecca Hample will teach one of our favorites: Shantel. Shantel may be new or review for you, and we can all enjoy doing it together. (You may remember it was on the schedule at the end of December, but that didn’t work out, so we will do it this week.) If time permits, we will add another fun dance. Be ready to dance right at 7, as teaching will end at 7:45 this week. Looking forward to see you all!

Jan 26: January Birthdays!!! Misi DJs!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_26_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, Jan 26, at AIFD:

CakeCakeThis Friday at dancing we’ll celebrate January Birthdays and Anniversaries.
Misi TsurikovOur DJ this week will be Misi Tsurikov.

Teaching throughout January:

Stephanie Anderson John Scales Franklin Houston

Teaching: Stephanie Anderson and John Scales will guide us over the final hills and through the woods of Odina Jonsson’s Bakmes to review the partnering skills and turning steps we’ve worked on this month. Franklin Houston will start at 7PM with his Bulgarian dance tour, warming up with Pravo, Četvorno, and Eleno Mome, followed by some easy Kopanica variations and a teaching of Krivo Slivniško.

Jan 19: Live Music with 1001 Nights!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_19_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, Jan 19, at AIFD:

Madeline BrockJeff KesselEnjoy a lively evening of dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

Live Music!!!
1001 Nights OrchestraThis week!!! come dance to the lively tunes of 1001 Nights Orchestra!!!

Teaching throughout January:

Stephanie Anderson John Scales Franklin Houston

Join us throughout January for Bakmes and Balkan! Stephanie Anderson and John Scales will guide us over the peaks of Scandinavian dance to help us elevate our partnering skills as we learn Odina Jonsson’s Bakmes. Franklin Houston will continue his tour of Bulgarian dance rhythms. We’ll start right at 7, warming up with Pravo and Četvorno, then explore Kopanica and Krivo Slivniško. Time permitting, we’ll even take a look at Eleno Mome!

Jan 12: Janos DJ’s, Pearl assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_12_2024_flex.html:

This Friday, Jan 12, at AIFD:

John ScalesPearl OlhssonEnjoy a lively evening of dancing DJ’d by John “Janos” Scales. John will be assisted by Pearl Ohlsson.

Teaching throughout January:

Stephanie Anderson John Scales Franklin Houston

Join us throughout January for Bakmes and Balkan! Stephanie Anderson and John Scales will guide us over the peaks of Scandinavian dance to help us elevate our partnering skills as we learn Odina Jonsson’s Bakmes. Franklin Houston will lead a magical mystery tour through the enchanted forest of Bulgarian dance rhythms found in Pravo Trakiysko Horo, Kopanica, Krivo Slivniško, Eleno Mome, and Jove Male Mome. Be there and B squared in January!

Kaye Roth memorial: Saturday, Jan 13:
Kaye RothIt is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kaye Roth. A memorial service for Kaye will be held on Saturday, January 13th, 2pm, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3003 Northland Dr, Austin, TX 78757. The service will be followed by an informal reception on church grounds.

Jan 5: Anthony DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/January_5_2024_flex.html:

Anthony TopracDonna BakerThis Friday at AIFD: Enjoy a lively evening of dancing DJ’d by Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assited by Donna Baker.

Teaching throughout January:

Stephanie Anderson John Scales Franklin Houston

Join us throughout January for Bakmes and Balkan! Stephanie Andersonand John Scales will guide us over the peaks of Scandinavian dance to help us elevate our partnering skills as we learn Odina Jonsson’s Bakmes. Franklin Houston will lead a magical mystery tour through the enchanted forest of Bulgarian dance rhythms found in Pravo Trakiysko Horo, Kopanica, Krivo Slivniško, Eleno Mome, and Jove Male Mome. Be there and B squared in January!

Dec 29: Masquerade Ball!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_29_2023_flex.html:

This Friday!!!
New Year’s Masquerade Ball party!!!
Masquarade Ball 2023Come celebrate the New Year on Friday, December 29 at the Masquerade Ball! There will be Live Music by the Texas Camp Band, light refreshments, and wonderful dancing. Wear a masque and dress up, wear your favorite International costume, or come as you are. We will have a few extra masques if you need one. Hope to see you there!!

Join us for a pre-party New, Do and Review of some of the dances the Camp Band will be playing. Rebecca Hample, Misi Tsurikov and Franklin Houston will review Shantel, Ziguenerpolka, Hora Veche, and Dramskoto. Everyone is welcome to join whether these dances are new or review for you!

Rebecca Hample Misi Tsurikov Franklin Houston

Kaye Roth:
Kaye RothIt is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kaye Roth. A memorial service for Kaye will be held on Saturday, January 13th, 2pm, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3003 Northland Dr, Austin, TX 78757. The service will be followed by an informal reception on church grounds.

Kaye Saves The Day!!!!
– a memory of Kaye by Dena Houston.

Dena HoustonOne Sunday afternoon, Franklin and I hosted an AIFD potluck supper at our house. Those were the days before potlucks were organized, so potluck really meant “luck”. Almost everyone had arrived and we had only desserts and salads. The serving table was resplendent with everything but a main dish. We then noticed Kaye walking up to our house carrying a huge covered serving dish. The smell of Kaye’s homemade lasagna preceded her. When she came in, everyone applauded. Kaye saved the day!

Dec 22: Lisa DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_22_2023_flex.html:

Lisa Horn DielmanDonna BakerThis Friday at AIFD: Enjoy a lively evening of folk dancing with DJ Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Teaching: Misi TsurikovRebecca HampleTeaching: In New, Do and Review this week Misi Tsuriko and Rebecca Hambple will review Corlu and Maple Leaf Rag, and teach Ada’s Kujawiak #1. All are welcome to join!

Dec 15: Madeline DJs, Jeff assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_15_2023_flex.html:

Madeline BrockJeff KesselThis Friday at AIFD: Enjoy a lively evening of folk dancing with DJ Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

Misi TsurikovRebecca HampleTeaching: Come enjoy another installment of New, Do, Review as Misi Tsurikov and Rebecca Hample teach Maple Leaf Rag from Texas Camp 2023.

Dec 8: Lisa DJs,

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_8_2023_flex.html:

Lisa Horn DielmanPearl OlhssonThis Friday at AIFD: Enjoy a lively evening of folk dancing with DJ Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Pearl Olhsson.

Misi TsurikovFranklin HoustonTeaching: In this week’s New, Do and Review we will have more dances from around the world that were taught at Texas Camp. Lisa will review Evangelina from Mexico, which she taught last week, Franklin Houston will teach Krivo Slivniško from Bulgaria, and Misi Tsurikov will teach Branle Gai Alsacien from France. All are welcome!

Csardas Hungarian DancersThis week we will be treated to a performance by Austin’s own Hungarian group Csardas!!!

Dec 1: Janos DJs, Kathleen assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_1_2023_flex.html.

John ScalesKathleen McDonaghThis Friday at AIFD: Enjoy a lively evening of folk dancing with DJ John (Janos) Scales. John will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.

Teaching: This week’s teaching will include presentations/reviews of dances taught at last week’s Texas Camp!!!

Nov 24: Texas Camp!!! No dancing at HRC.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_24_2023_flex.html.

AIFD will not meet at HRC this week.
Hope to see you at Texas Camp!!!

Nov 17: Texas Camp Band!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_17_2023_flex.html.

Texas Camp Band plays!!

This week enjoy the lively danceable tunes of Texas Camp Band as members practice for Texas Camp!!!

Lisa Horn DielmanPearl OlhssonOur DJ for this lively event will be Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Pearl Olhsson.

Nov 10: No dancing – Veterans’ Day

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_10_2023_flex.html.

This week (Nov 10) AIFD will not meet. HRC will be closed for Veterans’ Day.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s Halloween Party (on 10/27) a great success!!
Halloween Party at AIFD
Click on picture for larger image. Thanks to Peggy Wingate for providing the photo.

Link of the week:
For this week’s Link of the Week enjoy a video taken by Misi Tsurikov of last Friday’s Day of the Dead performance at AIFD by La Strada!!!
…And thanks to everyone who helped make this a fabulous success!!!
La Strada

Nov 3: Day of the Dead Party!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_3_2023_flex.html.

Day of the Dead Party!!!

Day of the DeadLa StradaThis Friday we are celebrating the Day of the Dead, and remembering all the teachers who have given us dances, music, and an understanding of different cultures through the years. If you’d like to bring a picture or other remembrance of a special teacher who was this person for you, we’ll have an Ofrenda table and you can place it there.

La Strada is providing live music, and we’ll have sparkling water, cookies, and, of course, some candy! See you all there!

Madeline BrockDonna BakerOur DJ for this lively event will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Oct 27: Halloween and Bday Celebrations!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_27_2023_flex.html.

We’re celebrating two things this week at AIFD:
PumpkinCakeHalloween–so come in costume!
Birthdays in October!
We’ll be serving cake and sparkling water, so come and enjoy the party!!

Madeline BrockFranklin HoustonOur DJ this week will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Franklin Houston. She’ll be playing some spooky tunes for our dances

Robert SampsonTeaching: Everyone is welcome for another session of New, Do and Review. This week Robert Sampson will review the East Coast Swing he taught last week.

Oct 13: Madeline DJs, Janos assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_13_2023_flex.html.

Madeline BrockJohn Scales
This Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by John (Janos) Scales.

Madeline teachingTeaching: Come on time for another session of New, Do and Review! We will be teaching dances to prepare for our live music night on November 3rd.

Oct 6: Lisa DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_6_2023_flex.html.

Lisa Horn DielmanDonna Baker
This Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Rebecca HampleMadeline BrockTeaching: This week in New, Do and Review Rebecca Hample will review Salty Dog Rag, which she taught last week. Then Rebecca and Madeline Brock will teach some of the dances requested in the Please Teach notebook. Join us to see what dances they will be! All are welcome!

Sep 29: Misi DJs, Jeff assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_29_2023_flex.html.

Misi TsurikovJeff KesselThis Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Misi Tsurikov. Misi will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

Madeline teachingTeaching: Come enjoy this week’s session of New, Do, and Review.

CakeCakeAlso this week we’ll celebrate September Birthdays and Anniversaries!!!

Sep 22: Dee DJs, Misi assists, Rebecca teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_22_2023_flex.html.

Dee McCandlessMisi TsurikovThis Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Dee McCandless. Dee will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.

Rebecca HampleTeaching: Rebecca Hample will lead this week’s session of New, Do and Review.

Sep 15: Holly DJs, Kathleen assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_15_2023_flex.html.

Holly PlotnerKathleen McDonaghThis Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh. This week’s program will be devoted to a tribute to Yves Moreau.

ShimmyTeaching: In this week’s session of New, Do and Review, Kathleen will teach dances that Yves Moreau introduced.

Sep 8: Lisa DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_8_2023_flex.html.

Lisa Horn DielmanDonna BakerThis Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Madeline BrockTeaching: Join Madeline Brock this week for New, Do and Review to learn some fun dances as we move into Fall.

Sep 1: Robert DJs, Anthony assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_1_2023_flex.html.

Robert SampsonAnthony Toprac
This Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Robert Sampson. Robert will be assisted by Anthony Toprac.

ShimmyTeaching: Join us this week for New, Do and Review as we recap the summer fun and learn something new!

Aug 25: GypsyCaravan!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_25_2023_flex.html.

Madeline BrockJohn Scales
This Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by John (Janos) Scales.

GypsyCaravanWe’ll be treated to the Live Music of GypsyCaravan!!! GypsyCaravan plays authentic Greek, Turkish, Armenian, Jewish, Jazz, Latin, Arabic, Gypsy, Slavic and World fav. You can find them on Facebook at facebook.com/gypsycaravansa

Teaching: Come to New, Do and Review to review some of the dances that will be done by GypsyCaravan. All are welcome!

Aug 18: Franklin DJs, Lisa assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_11_2023_flex.html.

Franklin HoustonLisa Horn DielmanThis Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Lisa Horn Dielman.

Kathleen McDonaghTeaching: Come to New, Do and Review for a review of Jaimale by Kathleen McDonagh. We will also learn some of the dances that will be done by GypsyCaravan on August 25. All are welcome!

Aug 11: Anthony DJs, Pearl assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_11_2023_flex.html.

Anthony TopracPearl OhlssonThis Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by Pearl Ohlsson.

Robert SampsonTeaching: This week join Robert Sampson as he brings two requested dances to New, Do and Review – Western Trio Mixer and Never on Sunday. Look forward to more dances to keep up the skills we have already learned and to prepare for fun events to come!

Aug 4: Lisa DJs, Franklin assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/August_4_2023_flex.html.

Lisa Horn DielmanFranklin HoustonThis Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Franklin Houston.


Rebecca HampleMisi TsurikovTeaching: This week in New, Do and Review Rebecca Hample and Misi Tsurikov will teach something that has been requested – partnering! Come to learn, practice and have fun dancing together.

July 28: Madeline DJs, Kathleen assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_28_2023_flex.html.

Madeline BrockKathleen McDonagh
Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.

1001 Nights OrchestraLive Music!!! This week we’ll be treated to the live music of Don Weeda and the 1001 Nights Orchestra.

Madeline teachingTeaching: To get the most out of 1001 Nights Orchestra, the evening will kick off with a review of the dances the band will play. Everyone is encouraged to arrive in time for the first hour.

July 21: Robert DJs, Jeff assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_21_2023_flex.html.

Robert SampsonJeff KesselEnjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Robert Sampson. Robert will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

Kathleen McDonagh1001 Nights OrchestraTeaching: Come this Friday to learn one of the dances from our Please Teach request book – Jaimalé, taught by Kathleen McDonagh. Also this week and next week we will do and review dances that Don Weeda and his band 1001 Nights will play live on July 28. Everyone is encouraged to join the First Hour Fun!

July 14: John DJs, Pearl assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_14_2023_flex.html.

John ScalesPearl OlhssonEnjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by John (Janos) Scales. Janos will be assisted by Pearl Olhsson.

Madeline teachingTeaching: Preview of the First Hour: Ever wondered what all the talk is about condiments and insect sounds in folk dancing? Come this Friday to learn Mixed Pickles and the Buzz Step Turn with Madeline Brock! Then you will learn some dances with those steps. These two steps happen so often in folk dancing, they will be a great ones for everyone to New, Do and Review!

July 7: Misi DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/July_7_2023_flex.html.

Misi TsurikovDonna_BakerEnjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Misi Tsurikov. Misi will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Some of AIFD's teachersTeaching: This week we will continue the New, Do and Review. We encourage dancers of all experience levels to join in the fun. You might learn something new, it’s always good to review the basics, and we will enjoy doing the dances together.

June 30: Franklin DJs, Misi assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_30_2023_flex.html.

Franklin HoustonMisi TsurikovEnjoy a fun evening of folk dancing. Our DJ this week will be Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.

Rebecca HampleTeaching: This week Rebecca Hample and Misi Tsurikov will conduct the New, Do and Review. We encourage dancers of all experience levels to join in the fun. You might learn something new, it’s always good to review the basics, and we will enjoy doing the dances together.

June 23: Holly DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_23_2023_flex.html.

Holly PlotnerDonna_Baker
Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing. Our DJ this week will be Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Teaching: This week we will continue our New, Do and Review session with more dancing fundamentals. We encourage dancers of all experience levels to join in the fun. You might learn something new, it’s always good to review the basics, and we will enjoy doing the dances together.

June 16: Homegrown International!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_16_2023_flex.html.

Madeline BrockJeff KesselEnjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ’s by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

Homegrown International BandMarc AirhartSome of our dance tunes will be provided by Homegrown International. Homegrown International will also provide the music for this week’s contra, which will be called by Marc Airhart.

Teaching: This week we will continue our New, Do and Review sessionRebecca Hample with more dancing fundamentals. We encourage dancers of all experience levels to join in the fun. You might learn something new, it’s always good to review the basics, and we will enjoy doing the dances together. We will also review some of the dances that will be performed by Homegrown International. – Rebecca Hample

June 9: Lisa DJs, Pearl assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_9_2023_flex.html.

Lisa Horn DielmanPearl OlhssonLisa Dielman will be our DJ this week. She will be assisted by Pearl Olhsson.

Teaching: This week we will continue our New, Do and Review sessionRebecca Hample with more dancing fundamentals. We encourage dancers of all experience levels to join in the fun. You might learn something new, it’s always good to review the basics, and we will enjoy doing the dances together.

June 9 and 16 we will also be reviewing some of the dances that Homegrown International will be playing live on June 16.

Rebecca Hample (our new Teaching Director).

June 2: Franklin DJs, Anne assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/June_2_2023_flex.html.

Franklin HoustonFranklin Houston will be our DJ this week. He will be assisted by Anne Alexander. Come join them for some of your old favorites as well as some surprises!

Upcoming Live Music: On June 16, Homegrown will be providing live music for the evening.

May 26: We’re at Go Dance!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_26_2023_flex.html.

Go DanceThis week, May 22-26, HRC is closed for maintenance. So on Friday, May 26, we will meet at the Go Dance studio, 2525 W Anderson Ln #530, Gallery room, in Northcross Mall. The entrance is on the west side, next to Guitar Center. Please read the “Studio Use Policy” below.

Madeline BrockDonna_BakerOur DJ this Friday, May 26, will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Misi TsurikovRebecca HampleTeaching: Just like last week, Misi and Rebecca will tag-team to bring you informal walkthroughs of our favorite dances — likely focusing heavily on Greek, so you can be ready for Austin Greek Festival (see right)!

Studio Use Policy:
● Any furniture that is moved must be returned to the original location at the end of the
rental time. Client is responsible for the cost of replacing any equipment damaged at their
● Food and drinks are not allowed on the wood dance floors.
● Tap shoes (or anything else that could damage the wood floors) are not allowed.

May 19: Misi DJs, Anne assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_19_2023_flex.html.

Misi Tsurikov
This week, May 19, join AIFD for a fun evening of folk dancing. This week’s DJ will be Misi Tsurikov. Misi will be assisted by Anne Alexander.

Teaching: Look for more tag-team teaching of our favorite dances from Rebecca, Madeline, and Misi!

Teacher Appreciation 2023Our Teacher Appreciation Night was a blast! Each teacher was given an orchid and led their favorite dance. Pictured are Emily, Rebecca, Lisa, Kathleen, Madeline and Misi. Missing are Holly and Franklin who are represented by an orchid with a mask, and a pair of tennis shoes in front of an orchid for our picture. Hooray, these teachers are fabulous! – Peggy Wingate.

Congratulations to AIFD’s new Board of Directors for 2023-4!!!

  • President: Madeline Brock
  • Vice president: Jeff Kessel
  • Secretary: Peggy Wingate
  • Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
  • Teaching director: Rebecca Hample
  • Program director: Misi Tsurikov

Thanks to the outgoing board:

  • President: Bill Brock
  • Vice president: Madeline Brock
  • Secretary: Peggy Wingate
  • Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
  • Teaching director: Misi Tsurikov
  • Program director: John Scales

May 12: AIFD Board Elections

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_12_2023_flex.html.

Question markPearl OlhssonThis week, May 12, join AIFD for a fun evening of folk dancing. Our DJ is still TBD. Pearl Olhsson will assist.

Teaching: This is not only election night … it’s also teacher appreciation night! We’ve had a fantastic corps of teachers in the last 12 months, and we will honor them throughout the night for their teaching talents.

May 5: Franklin DJs, Donna assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_5_2023_flex.html.

Franklin HoustonDonna_Baker
This week, May 5, join AIFD for a fun evening of folk dancing with DJ Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Slavadillo silly
Live Music!!! This week we will also be treated to the lively and danceable music of Slavadillo!!!

dance circleTeaching: Come early for some dances that will warm you up and get your feet jumping! Franklin will begin the evening by leading a number of recently-taught dances and some personal favorites (that range from easy to “not-so-easy.”) 😉 Then get ready for some familiar favorites performed by Slavadillo!

Apr 28: Lisa DJs, Jeff assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/April_28_2023_flex.html.

Lisa Horn DielmanJeff Kessel
This week, April 28, join AIFD for a fun evening of folk dancing with DJ Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

Our next Live Music event is on May 5, 2023–Slavadillo!

Ballot box
AIFD Board Elections 2023-24:

  • Elections will be held at our membership meeting at dancing on May 12, 2023.
  • We have a list of nominations – see below!
  • Other nominations can also be made until election night. We will announce these in the newsletter, on election night, or both.

Current nominations:

  • President: Madeline Brock
  • Vice president: Jeff Kessel
  • Secretary: Peggy Wingate
  • Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
  • Teaching director: Rebecca Hample
  • Program director: Misi Tsurikov

If you would like to run for the board, please contact Bill Brock at president@aifd.cc.

Current board.
Board positions and responsibilities.

Apr 21: DJ, teaching, board nominees

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/April_21_2023_flex.html.

Dee McCandlessMark Edwards
This week, April 21, we are back at Hancock Recreation Center (HRC). Our DJ will be Dee McCandless. Dee will be assisted by Mark Edwards.

Rebecca HampleTeaching: This week, don’t miss Rebecca Hample reviewing some of the SAFDF 2023 dances that she brought to you in past weeks — and, possibly, a touch-up review of Zigeunerpolka!

Go Dance was a success!!! we had a great evening of dancing last week at Go Dance, with more than 30 dancers in attendance.

Our next live music event is on May 5, 2023–Slavadillo!

Ballot box
AIFD Board Elections 2023-24:

  • Elections will be held at our membership meeting at dancing on May 12, 2023.
  • We have a list of nominations – see below!
  • Other nominations can also be made until election night. We will announce these in the newsletter, on election night, or both.

Current nominations:

  • President: Madeline Brock
  • Vice president: Jeff Kessel
  • Secretary: Peggy Wingate
  • Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
  • Teaching director: Rebecca Hample
  • Program director: Misi Tsurikov

If you would like to run for the board, please contact Bill Brock at president@aifd.cc.

Current board.
Board positions and responsibilities.

Dec 30: NYE Party!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_30_2022_flex.html.

Madeline BrockLa Strada
Celebrate New Years a day early!!!
Madeline Brock will DJ this fun evening of dancing. Live music will be provided by La Strada!!!

Dec 23: Happy Holidays from AIFD. HRC closed this week.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_23_2022_flex.html.

Christmas Hanukkah etc

Happy Holidays from AIFD.

No dancing at HRC this week.
We’ll be back next week, December 30th!!!

Dec 16: AIFD Holiday Jubilee!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_16_2022_flex.html.

HRC 2022 Jamboree
Hancock’s Holly Jolly Jamboree and Toy Drive!!
Join AIFD this Friday as we teach cultural dances as part of the 2022 Jamboree. Hancock’s Holly Jolly Jamboree & Toy Drive is the perfect time to meet your neighbors, enjoy some holiday crafts, and make a toy donation for a child at the Helping Hand Home. Come join us on Friday, December 16, 2022 from 6-9 pm for an evening of live music, cultural dances, and hot chocolate. This is a free event. For full details check out the event website.

John ScalesJeff KesselOur DJ for this special event will be John Scales. John will be assisted by Jeff Kessel. Several folks will teach and demonstrate dances to the community. This is a great opportunity to show how much fun dancing is and encourage folks to become regular Friday night attendees.

Dec 9: Holly DJs, Lila assists, Camp Dances

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_9_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, December 9, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Holly PlotnerLila LuceHolly Plotner DJs, Lila Luce assists. From Holly: “Tx Camp Highlights! We’ll dance through many of the new introductions from Camp.”

Teaching: Last week we began teaching dances from Texas Camp 2022… this week we continue! Come and enjoy learning from the thrilling teaching trio of Rebecca Hample, Emily Doubt, and Kathleen McDonagh!

Rebecca Hample Emily Doubt Kathleen McDonagh

Please sign in
HRC needs an accurate account of attendance. Please sign in yourself and those accompanying you.

Dec 2: Franklin DJs, Kathleen assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/December_2_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, December 2, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Franklin HoustonKathleen McDonaghFranklin will be our DJ and Kathleen will assist. Franklin will play a mixture of old classics, dances from Texas Camp 2022, and of course your requests.

Misi TsurikovTeaching: This week we begin teaching many of the fun and wonderful dances that Yves Moreau, France Bourque-Moreau, Roo Lester, and Ahmet Lüleci taught us at Texas Camp 2022. Come and enjoy new dances and new teachers!

Nov 25: Happy Thanksgiving. See you at camp.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_25_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, November 25:
No dancing – Hope to see you at Texas Camp, either in person or online.

Texakolo 2022
Did you miss your chance to register for the in person Texas Camp[?
Consider ZOOMING IN!!!
Full details at tifd.org

Nov 18: Texas Camp Band!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_18_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, November 18, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Madeline BrockLila LuceMadeline Brock DJs. Lila Luce assists.

Dumbeck Trumpet
Texas Camp Band plays!!
This week enjoy the lively danceable tunes of Texas Camp Band as members practice for Texas Camp!!!

Megaphone old styleNo Dancing at HRC next week, November 25.
Hope to see you at Texas Camp.

Nov 11: No dancing at HRC – Veterans Day.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_11_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, November 11: No dancing – Hancock Rec Center closed in honor of Veterans Day.

Nov 4: Dee DJs, Franklin assists, Lisa teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/November_4_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, November 4, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Franklin HoustonDee McCandlessDee McCandless DJs. Franklin Houston assists.

Lisa Horn_Dielman
Teaching: Come at 7 pm sharp so you don’t miss any of Lisa Dielman’s fun and friendly newcomer sessions! We may see an influx of new folks who found out about AIFD at Polkapocalypse 2022, and there’s no better way to welcome them than with Lisa’s great teaching.

Megaphone old styleNo Dancing at HRC next week, November 11.
Hancock Rec Center will be closed.

Oct 28: Halloween Party!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_28_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, October 28, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Madeline BrockPearl OlhssonGet ready for our Halloween Party, DJ’d by AIFD’s high priestes of fun, Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Pearl Olhsson. Costumes encouraged! AIFD will provide cookies and drinks.

Oct 21: Holly DJs, Kathleen assists, Madeline teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_21_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, October 21, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Holly PlotnerKathleen McDonaghTexas Camp Preview Program! Holly Plotner will be our DJ this week. Holly’s program will focus on dances from this year’s Texas Camp teachers: Ahmet, Roo, Yves and France. Holly will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.

Madeline BrockTeaching: Come at 7 pm so you don’t miss more excellent dance teaching and reviewing from Madeline Brock!

Oct 14: ??? DJs, Dee assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_14_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, October 14, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Question markDee McCandlessWe don’t have a DJ yet, but absolutely will by Friday. (S)He will be assisted by Dee McCandless.

Madeline BrockEmily Doubt
Teaching: Come at 7 pm for Madeline Brock’s wonderful teaching! You will see many of our favorites, such as Arap, Orijent, Tino Mori, Bal De Jugon, and Mindrele. Then, later in the evening, don’t miss Emily Doubt reviewing the dances she recently taught — Valle Jarnana and Batjovata Baldazka!

Oct 7: Slavadillo!!!

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/October_7_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, October 7, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Live Streaming!!!
zoomThis Friday folk dancing at AIFD will also be the openning event for
SAFDF – Fall weekend ZOOM festival and will be live streamed over Zoom!!!

Madeline BrockJeff KesselOur DJ this week will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.

SlavadilloThis week we will be treated to the lively tunes of Slavadillo!!

Lisa Horn_DielmanTeaching: Come at 7 pm to enjoy more exciting and excellent teaching from Lisa Dielman. Lisa will teach Jianul de la Slanic and review Salty Dog Rag.

Sep 30: Mike DJs, Kathleen assists, Emily teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_30_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, September 30, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Mike ReveszKathleen McDonaghOur DJ this week will be Mike Revesz. Mike will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.

Emily Doubt
Teaching: Come at 7 pm for Kathleen’s review of the dances she taught us last week — Jaimale (French Israeli), Kleftes (Greek), and Kotlensko Oro (Macedonian). Then, we are delighted to welcome Emily Doubt in her teaching debut at AIFD! Beginning at 8:30 pm, she will teach us Valle Jarnana (Albanian) and Batjovata Baldazka (Bulgarian).

Next week Slavadillo plays!!!

Sep 23: John DJs, Robert assists, Kathleen teaches.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_23_2022_flex.html.

This Friday, September 23, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

John ScalesRobert SampsonOur DJ this week will be John Scales. John will be assisted by Robert Sampson.

Kathleen McDonaghTeaching: We continue fulfilling your teaching requests! This week’s featured teacher is Kathleen McDonagh, who will teach Jaimale (a French-Israeli dance), Kleftes (from Greece), and Kotlensko Oro (from Macedonia). Kathleen will also call the contra during one of the Homegrown International sets.

HomegrownHOMEGROWN INTERNATIONAL plays at AIFD this week!!! More details here.

Sep 16: Franklin DJs & teaches. Dee assists.

This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/September_16_2022_flex.html.

Franklin HoustonDee McCandlessOur DJ this week will be Franklin Houston. Franklin will feature “core” dances that everyone can do, as well as some of his more challenging favorites. He’ll be assisted by Dee McCandless.

Teaching: Franklin will also be doing the teaching program. Come at 7 pm for a review of Zdrobuleánka (Moldvai csango), Strumička Petorka (Macedonia), Pop Marinko (Serbia), and Tropnalo Oro (Macedonia).