This week’s newsletter:
This Friday, August 9, 7-9:45, at AIFD:
This week’s program:  Enjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by John (Janos) Scales. John will be assisted by Donna Baker. |
New, Do, Review
This week Kathleen McDonagh will kick things off with a review of Sadi Moma and Tou Paradeisou Lemonia, two dances she taught last week. Then, join Franklin Houston and Lisa Horn Dielman as they take us through three HOT August weeks with the basics of some COOL Texas standards to get us ready for any honky tonk – Texas One Step, the Texas Two Step, and the Texas Triple Two Step |
This week’s newsletter:
This Friday, August 2, 7-9:45, at AIFD:
This week’s program:  Enjoy a lively evening of folk dancing DJ’d by Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by Pat Potts. |
New, Do, Review Join Kathleen McDonagh for two dances with beautiful songs that make you want to sing along: Tou Paradeisou Lemonia (“Lemon Tree of Paradise”) and Bulgaria dance Sadi Moma. Kathleen will also review Cimpoi, recently taught by Lisa Horn Dielman. |
This week’s newsletter:
This Friday, July 12, 7-9:45, at AIFD:
This week’s program:  Enjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by John (Janos) Scales. Janos will be assisted by Kym Oltrogge. |
New, Do, Review
Holly Plotner will review some of the dances she presented last week:
What she taught last week: Mahala Mori Shej, Minka, and Auauauau.
Later Franklin Houston will present dances popular at AIFD 50 years ago – Rukavice, a Slavonian/Croatian circle dance; Mandinades, a medley of three easy line dances from the Greek islands of Crete, Rhodes, and Ikaria; and Floricica/Floričika, a Bulgarian Vlach line dance.
This week’s newsletter:
This Friday, July 5, 7-9:45, at AIFD:
This week’s program:  Enjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Pat Potts. |
New, Do, Review
This week in New, Do and Review Holly Plotner will teach us three dances: Mahala Mori Shej, by Steve and Susan Kotansky, to haunting Roma music. Introduced to AIFD just before Covid lockdown; Minka, from Yves Moreau, an easy Bulgarian women’s dance. An old favorite of ours. Auauauau, by Romanian choreographer Daniel Sandu, learned from Roberto Bagnoli. An easy, sassy dance to fun contemporary music. Come early – you don’t want to miss this! |
This week’s newsletter:
This Friday, June 28, 7-9:45, at AIFD:
This week’s program:  Enjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ’d by Lisa Horn Dielman. Lisa will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh. |
New, Do, Review This week in Summer School by Request! In addition to assisting, Kathleen McDonagh will review two dances she taught two weeks ago – Sandansko Horo and Sedi Donka. She will also teach Tsakonikos. All are welcome at 7 to New, Do and Review! |