Nov 15: Anthony DJs, Cat assists.

This week’s newsletter:

This Friday, November 15, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Anthony TopracCat ThompsonOur DJ this week will be Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by Cat Thompson.
New, Do, Review

Holly Plotner Dee McCandless Rebecca Hample

This week in NDR: Holly Plotner will review Valle Pogoniste, taught last week. Then Dee McCandless will review Hestekaren, also taught last week. Rebecca Hample will then treat us to some additional great teaching.

Nov 8: Texas Camp Band!!!

This week’s newsletter:

This Friday, November 8, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Kathleen YoderKym OltroggeOur DJ this week will be Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Kym Oltrogge.
Rebecca Hample
New, Do, Review
Rebecca Hample will review Tokyo Polka from last week and review/reteach Hestekaren, which we will do later in the evening with the camp band.
Texas Camp Band
Texas Camp BandThis week we’ll be treated to the lively and danceable tunes of the Texas Camp Band!!!

Nov 1: Day of the Dead Party!!!

This week’s newsletter:

This Friday, November 1, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Madeline BrockDonna BakerOur DJ this week will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Donna Baker.
This week: Day of the Dead Party!!!
Day of the Dead Party at AIFD

Live Music with La Strada!!!!
La Strada
Come enjoy the lively and very danceable tunes of La Strada.

Oct 25: Cross Step Waltz – week 2.

This week’s newsletter:

This Friday, October 25, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:
Franklin HoustonJeff KesselOur DJ this week will be Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Jeff Kessel.
New, Do, Review
Misi TsurikovMadeline BrockCross Step Waltz – week 2!!!. This week Misi Tsurikov and Madeline Brock will continue teaching this fun and dynamic dance. No partners needed.
October Birthdays
This week we’ll celebrate those with birthdays in October!!

Oct 18: Cross Step Waltz!!!

This week’s newsletter:

This Friday, October 18, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Holly PlotnerKathleen McDonaghOur DJ this week will be Holly Plotner. Holly will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.
Misi TsurikovMadeline Brock
New, Do, Review
Cross Step Waltz!!!
This week and next week Misi Tsurikov and Madeline Brock will introduce this fun and dynamic dance. No partners needed.

Oct 11: Live Music by Slavadillo!!!

This week’s newsletter:

This Friday, October 11, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

John ScalesDonna BakerOur DJ this week will be John (Janos) Scales. Janos will be assisted by Donna Baker.
This week we’ll be treated to the lively and danceable tunes of Slavadillo.
Holly Plotner
New, Do, Review
Holly Plotner will review the dances she taught last week: High Green Mountain, Highlife, and Branle de la Fosse Aux Loups.

Oct 4: Kathleen DJs, Misi assists.

This week’s newsletter:

This Friday, October 4, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week’s program:

Kathleen YoderMisi TsurikovOur DJ this week will be Kathleen Yoder. Kathleen will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.
New, Do, Review
Holly PlotnerHolly Plotner will teach this week.