This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_19_2023_flex.html.

This week, May 19, join AIFD for a fun evening of folk dancing. This week’s DJ will be Misi Tsurikov. Misi will be assisted by Anne Alexander. |
Teaching: Look for more tag-team teaching of our favorite dances from Rebecca, Madeline, and Misi! |
Our Teacher Appreciation Night was a blast! Each teacher was given an orchid and led their favorite dance. Pictured are Emily, Rebecca, Lisa, Kathleen, Madeline and Misi. Missing are Holly and Franklin who are represented by an orchid with a mask, and a pair of tennis shoes in front of an orchid for our picture. Hooray, these teachers are fabulous! – Peggy Wingate. |
Congratulations to AIFD’s new Board of Directors for 2023-4!!!
- President: Madeline Brock
- Vice president: Jeff Kessel
- Secretary: Peggy Wingate
- Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
- Teaching director: Rebecca Hample
- Program director: Misi Tsurikov
Thanks to the outgoing board:
- President: Bill Brock
- Vice president: Madeline Brock
- Secretary: Peggy Wingate
- Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
- Teaching director: Misi Tsurikov
- Program director: John Scales
This week’s newsletter: newsletter.aifd.cc/May_19_2023_flex.html.

This week, May 19, join AIFD for a fun evening of folk dancing. This week’s DJ will be Misi Tsurikov. Misi will be assisted by Anne Alexander. |
Teaching: Look for more tag-team teaching of our favorite dances from Rebecca, Madeline, and Misi! |
Our Teacher Appreciation Night was a blast! Each teacher was given an orchid and led their favorite dance. Pictured are Emily, Rebecca, Lisa, Kathleen, Madeline and Misi. Missing are Holly and Franklin who are represented by an orchid with a mask, and a pair of tennis shoes in front of an orchid for our picture. Hooray, these teachers are fabulous! – Peggy Wingate. |
Congratulations to AIFD’s new Board of Directors for 2023-4!!!
- President: Madeline Brock
- Vice president: Jeff Kessel
- Secretary: Peggy Wingate
- Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
- Teaching director: Rebecca Hample
- Program director: Misi Tsurikov
Thanks to the outgoing board:
- President: Bill Brock
- Vice president: Madeline Brock
- Secretary: Peggy Wingate
- Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
- Teaching director: Misi Tsurikov
- Program director: John Scales