AIFD Board Nominations


Elections of Directors for AIFD for 2024 will be held during dancing on Friday, May 10, 2024, at Hancock Recreation Center. Current members of AIFD are eligible to vote.

Officer nominees for 2024 are:

President–Madeline Brock
Vice President–Jeff Kessell
Treasurer–Marcia Toprac
Teaching Director–Rebecca Hample
Program Director–Donna Baker
Secretary–John Scales

We thank our outgoing Directors for their service–Peggy Wingate, who served as Secretary, and Misi Tsurikov, who served as Program Director.

Elections of Directors for AIFD for 2024 will be held during dancing on Friday, May 10, 2024, at Hancock Recreation Center. Current members of AIFD are eligible to vote.

Officer nominees for 2024 are:

President–Madeline Brock
Vice President–Jeff Kessell
Treasurer–Marcia Toprac
Teaching Director–Rebecca Hample
Program Director–Donna Baker
Secretary–John Scales

We thank our outgoing Directors for their service–Peggy Wingate, who served as Secretary, and Misi Tsurikov, who served as Program Director.
