Update: The XLS file and HTML file expand to 3 tabs:
- ALL: Complete extract of all music files and corresponding information. Also, I added the field "ref", which contains the 4 digit code for the corresponding music file (Note 1).
- Title: Same as ALL, but drops full file name as these did not parse well.
- Fall 2011: Same as Title, but added the field "Fall 2011". 'Y' means the corresponding music and dance is recommended for Fall 2011 teaching.
The Fall_2011.html is a single page containing only those tunes flagged in the "Fall 2011" tab.
- Billy O.
(Note 1: Because of how the extract is parsed, each record in the ALL tab can have multiple fields - which is caused by characters in the name that are recognized by the parsing program as breaks. This is not a major issue - it just makes some of the records look funky.)
Hi all!
There are two tasks from AIFD's 50th Anniversary party master plan that are associated with the music library, as follows:
1. Identify a group of "core" dances as candidates for teaching prior to the party.
2. Where there are multiple recordings for the same dance, label the "preferred" versions in the Title field, based upon familiarity and danceability of those versions.
Both tasks are now complete. Here are the details.
1. Of the 1728 tunes in the music library, 218 dances (or dance combinations, such as PMK) have been identified as "core" dances (John Ramage may make additional efforts to reduce that list). For those 218 dances, 678 tunes in the music library (approximately 40% of the library) have been labeled "core" in the "Composer" field, that being the only available field that linked properly from the MP3TAG music file editing program to the Winamp program that is used to set up playlists at AIFD. If you're trying to think of dances to play in a dance program at AIFD, consider these dances if at all possible.
2. All tunes have been evaluated for "preferred" status. In almost all cases of multiple recordings, one or more versions were labeled as "preferred". In a few cases, no version was identified, due to one or more of the following reasons:
a) my lack of familiarity with the recordings
b) the generally acceptable quality of all versions
c) limits on my time to go through every version (e.g., Swing, Waltz)
d) other unique conditions (e.g., Zwiefacher)
If in doubt as to which tune to play for a particular dance, use a version labeled as "preferred" (if one exists for that dance).