El Dia de Los Muertos
A special variation for AIFD’s Halloween Party.
Saturday, November 1, 7:30-11, Hancock Rec Center. $5 at the door (17 and up).

As a variation this year on the traditional Halloween party, your Board is planning a celebration of El Dia de Los Muertos on November 1. This will include a remembrance of former participants at AIFD who have passed away. We invite you to email comments on any of the persons listed below (or on a person whose name we have missed) to board@aifd.cc. Submissions will be stored to use on the day of the event.
Submittals might include:

  • a short narrative of remembrances
  • pictures (please put your name on the back so we may return these to you)
  • a list of dances the person liked or lead (you may also volunteer to lead a dance in their honor)

Who we will remember:
Alan Barnes
Bonnie Barnes
Margaret Barthelemy
Richard Barthelemy
Kerynn Bissett
Peter Coltman
Janet Cook
Bobbi Gillotti
Irving Greenberg
Phil Harris
Betsy Hayes
Dale Hershberger
Bertha Holck
Manfred Holck
Selwyn Ligon
George Lowrey
Mary Lowrey
C. L. MaBob Madrulli
David McCandless
Nancy McCandless
Leon McGuffin
Jo Soto
Ginger Stevenson
Barbara Strey
Vernon Strey
Gene White
Alan Wormser
Did we forget anyone?